Thursday, August 28, 2008

37 weeks

37 weeks! Can you believe that, I am almost done! My baby is completely done developing, she is just now adding on the weight. I can have this baby anytime now and she should be just fine! And how I really really wish that she would come NOW!
Being pregnant is probably the most uncomfortable things ever. My stomach itches, I can't fall asleep at night, I have a huge stomach and can't do anything. My stretch marks hurt, not to mention it has ruined my body...I could go on forever on how much I really don't like being preggo. Oh what women go through to have children, I just have to keep telling myself every day that this is worth it. I really can't wait to hold her and love her, it is going to be really special.
If she happens to come soon (and pray that she does) I will let everyone know, we can take the computer to the hospital and upload pictures as soon as I want, so keep looking back to see if she has come!

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Matt was trying to look like me, he's close but I think I win!
Matt was the best man at his best friends wedding yesterday, he looked so hot in his tux. I was kinda worried about the pink tie, but i thought it looked very sexy oh him.
Just taking pictures while we were waiting for the bride and groom to come out of the Manti temple.
Daryl and Mckell, they looked so good, I am so happy for them!
Matt and his best friend Daryl.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008


My ultra sound went great yesterday, my doctor remeasured the head and abdomen and everything is just fine. She is measuring right where she should be. There must have been something wrong with the ultra sound machine last week. We are so glad to hear that everything is ok.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

34 weeks

This week she is the size of a medium pumpkin. She is 19.5-20 inches long and 5 pounds. She is prepping for her birthday by bulking up layers of vernix, that white coating that protects her skin from nicks and scratches.
On Monday I had an ultra sound and the head and abdomen were measured. The doctor said that the head was measuring in the 90Th percentile and the abdomen was measuring in the 3rd percentile. Normally the head and the abdomen should be measuring the same. The Dr doesn't think that the ultra sound machine was working right but he said that if that is the case that my placenta isn't working correctly and it is getting all of the nutrients to the brain and head first and very little is going to the abdomen, making it so that my baby has a bigger head then abdomen. This made him a little worried so we are going to do another ultra sound on Monday and remeasure everything. I will keep you informed on what is going on...
I am so ready for this baby to come out. I have been so uncomfortable, i have a huge belly and i hate not being able to move normally. Lately I have been having a hard time sleeping too, I will be so tired all day but when it is time to go to bed I am wide awake and can't fall asleep. It is so annoying! Only 5 and half more weeks for me, I can't wait.

33 weeks

My baby is the size of a medicine ball this week, she is between 19-19.5 inches and 4.5 pounds. She gains about 1/2 and ounce a day. Her lungs are approaching maturity, the lungs are the last organ to fully develop.

She moves a lot but a lot less kicking because she is so cramped. She does more twisting and wiggling like a new born would. It is so fun to feel her moving around, I can't wait till I can play with her.