Thursday, September 25, 2008

More Pics...

Matt loves to hold Jayden whenever her can, he is so cute with her
When she takes a nap and he is home he takes a nap with her. It is so cute!

Ha ha I really don't know what she was looking at.

She holds her binki in all by her self!

Friday, September 19, 2008

This was right after she came out and the respiratory Dr was making sure that she was ok.
I got to hold her for the first time after I got stiched up.
So precious!
Right after her bath, she was so cute with her little bow!! I love her so much!
Megs and Melissa came to visit me. Thanks for everything you two, you are awesome!
Matt had such a hard day! ha h,a he did so good, he watched the birth and was so excited when she came out. He has helped out so much and is so cute with her.
My mom came up to be there for the birth. I am so glad that she came!
My little princess!
Matt loves her so much!
She loved her car seat, didn't cry once while she was in it.

At the hospital

In the room where we delivered and stayed, right before I got induced.
Waiting for the Dr to hook me up to the drugs!
They monitored my contractions and Jayden's heartbeat through the whole thing. The top line is Jayden's heart beat and the bottom line are my contractions.
I had to be hooked up to oxygen for a while because Jayden's heartbeat kept spiking really low and that ment that she was stressed. After they did an amnio fluid (it is like an iv in my uterus to keep fluid in there and make sure that she was comfy) everything was fine and her heart beat was good for the rest of the labor.

Thursday, September 18, 2008


I still can't upload pictures, but for all of you that want to see a picture of Jayden, see Megs blog!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I'm a Mommy!!!

I am a mommy!!! Jayden Lynn Jensen was born today at 1:27pm. She weighs 7.10 lbs and is 20 1/2 in. long. She did so good, she only cried a little bit when she came out and didn't cry at all during her bath.
Labor went so well for me, I came to the hospital at 6:30am, they hooked me up with poctocin around 8am, they checked to see how dilated I was around 9am and I had only gotten to 3cm and I was starting to feel the contractions so I got my epidural. They then checked me around 1pm and I was dilated to 9 1/2 cm. They were all surprised at how fast I dilated. They set up for delivery and at 1:27 pm she came. There was a lady in the room next to me who was having her 3rd child and she was induced at the same time as me, yep I had my baby before her. I was really lucky that I delivered so fast.
I felt nothing, had no pain and delivery was really easy! I am so happy to have my baby girl here with me now.

I'm sorry there are no pics yet, the Internet at the hospital wouldn't let me upload pics. If I figure out how to get them on here I will post some.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

40 weeks and 1 day

Well I have finally gotten to my due date and past it...but good news I am going to be induced tomorrow, Wednesday the 17th at 6:30am. So I will have a baby here soon! I am so excited and a little scared but I know that things are going to be great!! I will have pictures up here by the end of the week. Everyone wish me luck!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

39 weeks

Still no baby:( The last Dr appointment that i had on the 2nd the doctor told me that she thought that the baby would come this weekend, I have been waiting to go into labor and still nothing close to the real thing has happened. I am starting to get really frustrated, this part of pregnancy sucks so bad. Not only am I so uncomfortable but I can't do anything. Sitting anywhere is so uncomfortable, my feet hurt all the time. I have so many stretch marks on my stomach and they are swollen and hurt. I really hate being pregnant. I can't wait till I can snuggle her and love her! Hopefully this is my last post being pregnant!!!