Sunday, June 29, 2008

29 weeks

My baby is now the size of a basketball.
There wasn't a lot of info on what is happening with my baby this week but it does say that research shows that in-utero chit chat may help your baby become a smarter, more verbal kid down the road.
I don't know about all the other ladies out there who have already had babies but i feel weird talking to my stomach, plus I never know what to say, so i usually read scriptures to her.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

For the record...

Just for the record this is the fire where my camera was found, burnt to pieces... :(

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The baby loves it!

Coming from a musical background I had to play the baby classical music. So the other night we played some Ever After soundtrack for her, She loved it, every time we would take the head phones off she would kick me! Maybe that means she didn't like it...anyhow it was fun!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Manti Pageant

We went to the Manti Pageant this last Thursday, it was fun, a little cheesy but the message was good.
I can't believe this temple was built without cranes or any modern tools. It is a really pretty temple.
Matt and I
We went with part of Matt's family.
After the pageant we went and stayed in the Manti canyon. We parked my father-in-laws trailer in a turn around point and slept there overnight. In the morning we drove up the canyon and looked at the view.
There was a little lake up the canyon, we walked around it and took pictures.

Savanna's wedding

Last weekend was my friends Savanna's wedding. The reception was so nice, I'm glad tat i got to go. Congrats Savanna I hope you are having fun with your new husband!

Stomach pics.

Week 26

Week 28.

I think my stomach looks smaller in this picture. Ha ha that's weird...I am now at the point where I am uncomfortable all the time. I am not even that big but I feel huge! My stomach feels like it is in my ribs and the heart burn just gets worse by the day. Less then 3 months though, I know I can make it, but I am so ready for her to come out.

Week 28

Well I am now in my third and final trimester!! Yeah! Time has gone by so fast!
My baby's eyes will finally open and she'll begin blinking, even though it's pitch black in there. She's also on regular sleep-wake schedule, although she's only getting about 20-30 minutes of shut-eye at time -- very different from how much she'll be snoozing her first days as a newborn. By the way, my baby's now big enough to describe her size from head-to-toe, so we've switched over from crown-to-rump to a full-body measurement -- so neat! She is anywhere from 15.25-15.75 in and 2.25-2.5 pounds.


I just wanted to say thank you to everyone who has given me ideas or offered to help me. It has been a big relief to hear what options I have.
We will have to see how things work out while I am on my maternity leave and then if we aren't making enough to pay for everything then I will have to work something out. Matt does make good money, and his job is great he loves being a helicopter instructor! We just have a lot of bills and they are all bills that we can't get out of, mainly student loans.
I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for us, and I know that when we pay tithing that things will work out!

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Any help would be great...

So I think that once the baby comes I am not going to be able to work because I will have a beautiful baby girl to take care of and there is no way in HELL I am taking my baby to day care. I really don't trust anyone with little kids, with all the sick people that you hear about on the news. You may think they are innocent and even though they are Mormon and living in Utah they are deceiving liars. Can you tell how i feel about this..anyways I recently went through our finances and we are getting screwed out the rear with our student loans, so to say the least I have to work but I don't know what to do. There is no way we can live on Matt's income alone especially where it is not guaranteed work. (He is an independent contractor so if his student doesn't come in he doesn't get paid.) and there is no one that can take care of her while I go to work.
Does anyone know of a legit place where i can work from home, or any ideas on what to do? I am kinda freaking out about this....I know that if we pay tithing and trust in the Lord things will work out but I still don't know what I am going to do because Matt doesn't make enough for us to live on.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

26 weeks

Sorry this is a little late, i am now 26 week and 4 days, just got busy.

Our baby girl is now the size of a liter sode bottle. All the parts of her eyes are in place -- and she will be ready to open them and bat those eyelashes in just a few weeks. Her spine is becoming stronger and more flexible, too. It's about the same length as the palm of your hand, but it contains a whopping 150 joints and some 1,000 ligaments.

Special thanks to for all the info.

Questionnaire thing!

Sorry Amy, I saw this and i am super bored so decided to steal it from you!

What is his name? Matthew Wayne Jensen
How long have you been together? We've been married for a year and 7 months
How long did you date? 5 months and were engaged for 3 months
How old is he? 22
Who eats more? him by far
Who said I love you first? Him
Who is taller? Umm sadly me, but i am used to it now
Who can sing better? We'l if you know me you know i can't sing but i am a better singer then him
Who is smarter? I think i have more common sence, but Matt is actualy really smart.
Who does the laundry? Um we both do
Who pays the bills? I do, I am so anal about bills and credit that i have to make sure that everything is right or i stress out.
Who sleeps on the right side? if you'r looking at the bed Matt does
Who mows the lawn? don't have one, but if we did I would make Matt do it!
Who cooks dinner? I do most of the time, but While i was really sick in my first trimester Matt cooked every night, and If he gets home from work before me I ask him to cook something.
Who drives? Both of us do, but when we are together Matt does.
Who is more stubborn? Probably me, but I think we both have our moments
Who kissed who first? This is a tough one, It could be argued both ways, lets just say it was mutual
Who proposed? Matt
Who has more friends? Matt
Who is more sensitive? Me, especially being preggo!
Who has more siblings? We have the same amount, I have 1 sister 4 brothers, he has 1 brother, 4 sisters.
Who wears the pants? again depends, but when it comes to money i do!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Male model

Here we have Matt sporting Amie's gangsta hat, a green dragon shirt and some plaid shorts! He recently got an internship with Ralph Lauren, we will be moving to Hawaii for the next couple months so he can better his talent. He thought that he could pay off our student loans by male modeling! (The sad thing is the hat looks better on him then me ha ha!)

25 weeks

My baby is now the size of a 5 pound bag of flour although she is still a skinny little thing -- fat has yet to settle in under her skin and fill out her frame. This week, her little hands are fully grown, complete with fingerprints and fingernails!
Come back each week to get an update on the size of my baby. I think it is cool to know what is going on in there so i thought i would share it with you all.
Also just to catch up till now, Our baby has hair, can hear and can tell if she is rightside up or not. I think there are more things but those are the main ones.

Hot pots again

Yesterday for our friends birthday we went out to dinner and then we decided to go to some hot pots up Spanish Fork canyon. Matt's friend told us that the hike was only 3/4 of a mile and that it was a level trail. Well it ended up being a 2 mile hike one way and it was not level at all! Being 6 and a half months pregnant it was not so much fun for me, but it was nice to get some exersise. And dont worry I only got my legs in the hot pots because I don't want to cook my baby. Matt is so good to me, there was a big uphill and Matt helped me walk up it because it was hard, and he made sure that i wasn't going to fall and made sure that i drank plenty. He was so cute, he is the best ever, i couldn't ask for anyone better in my life!
Matt's other love (besides me of course) is his Bike. He loves to ride it, any chance he has he is on his bike. It is nice right now with gas prices so high, it gets about 50 miles per gallon! He is sad to have to sell it at the end of summer, but we need some extra money for the baby. Plus he would so much rather have a baby then a bike!